
*Not intended for the illegal use of UAV’s in hunting practices. Please see your state regulations regarding UAV’s and wildlife.

  • Who: Hunting isn’t just a man’s game. If you are one of the 1.5 million women hunters in the U.S., odds are that you have a connection and a greater understanding of both land and wildlife conservation than most, because you live it. This site is for you.
  • What: Track population sizes, monitor herd health, improve rangeland conditions, assess lake and stream health, use aerial footage for videos or slideshows, the possibilities are limitless.
  • Where: Anywhere there is hunting and/or fishing. Anywhere conservation efforts need to be spent for one reason or another. From the Sierra Nevada’s to the Great Plains.
  • When: Outdoors, during the day with at least semi light. Wind speeds should be less than 25 miles per hour. Sun angles should be overhead for minimal shadowing.
  • Why: Hunters ARE conservationists. More than $57 billion in funds for state fish and game agencies has come from hunters and fisherman alone since 1939. Because of the time spent in the wilderness, you understand the delicate balance that needs to be maintained.
  • How: Whether it be a fixed wing or a multi-rotor craft, we can find the perfect UAV to meet your specific needs and budget. By equipping your customized UAV with multispectral and infrared sensors you will be able to monitor soil and plant health as well as use the heat imaging to track wildlife, whether they are in plain sight or hidden behind otherwise obstructive shrubbery.
  • Cost: Contact Us 775-800-3245