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- Who: The wildlife biologists or conservationist looking to add an invaluable skill set and tool to their repertoire.
- What: Track population sizes, monitor wildlife health, improve rangeland conditions, assess lake and stream health, monitor and map both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, or simply acquire aerial footage for videos or slideshows, the possibilities are limitless.
- Where: The portability and versatility of this technology means that you can take it anywhere, with permission of course!
- When: Outdoors, during the day with at least semi light. Wind speeds should be less than 25 miles per hour. Sun angles should be overhead for minimal shadowing.
- Why: Traditional methods of data collection for tracking an monitoring wildlife can be tedious, labor intensive, and not always incredibly accurate. With the help of this innovative technology you can increase accuracy while simultaneously decreasing the time it takes to complete. UAV’s are the way of the future, don’t get left in the dust!
- How: Whether it be a fixed wing or a multi-rotor craft, we can find the perfect UAV to meet your specific needs and budget. By equipping your customized UAV with multispectral and infrared sensors you will be able to monitor soil and plant health as well as use the heat imaging to track wildlife for more accurate population counts, whether they are in plain sight or hidden behind otherwise obstructive shrubbery.
- Cost: Contact Us 775-800-3245
While these names are similar, there is room in the industry for more than one. Once you pick your site name, a similar site name will not be sold in the same geographic area without your being notified and given first right of refusal.