• Who: Inspectors from all walks of life. Do you inspect roofs or construction sites? Maybe power or pipelines? Are you investigating a building as an insurance adjuster? Whatever the reason may be, this could be the site for you. 
  • What: Increase efficiency by decreasing the time it takes to get the job done. Spot anomalies with more precision and ease. With the ability to quickly deploy, an UAS is perfect in both normal and emergency situations.  
  • Where: Inside or outside, wherever work takes you. Up the side of a building or down the expanse of a pipeline.  
  • When: Preferably during daylight hours, or when light is favorable for optimal viewing, with winds less than 20 miles per hour. 
  • Why: Job sites can sometimes be difficult to reach or in hazardous areas. Safely and easily capture high resolution images and real time video and view it from your car or office. With the ability to look over the data as many times as needed, no detail will be overlooked.  
  • How: We can help you find the perfect drone fitted with sensors and cameras to meet your specific needs. 
  • Cost: Contact Us 775-800-3245