• Who: Ecohydrologists  
  • What: You’ll utilize your fully customized UAV to collect data over areas of interest for characterizing, modeling, and monitoring ecohydrological systems. 
  • Where: On Private or Federal lands (with permission).  Anywhere water is front and center…okay that’s everywhere. 
  • When: Under water or on land, in at least semi-light, winds at less than 17 to 25 miles per hour. Preferably when sun angles are overhead with no shadows. Underwater UAV’s have a broader range of optimal conditions. 
  • Why: Remote sensing has long been invaluable to the field of ecohydrology. However, it has also been cumbersome to organize flights with manned aircrafts. Now you can perform the same tasks without the high cost and hassle of hiring a pilot. 
  • How: Whether helicopter, fixed-wing, or roto-copter there is a UAS for you. You’ll fly at between 250 feet to 400 feet above ground surface, with a product at 2-cm resolution for final export to Arc-GIS other aerial mapping formats.   
  • Cost: Contact Us 775-800-3245