herdhealthdrone.com, herdhealthuas.com and herdhealthuav.com

  • Who: Ranchers and wildlife conservations everywhere. Anyone who is responsible for overseeing the health and wellbeing of a large group of animals, whether domesticated or wild.
  • What: Monitor heard health by recording body temperature, behavioral changes, or even physical indicators like wounds or injuries, all from a single, convenient location.
  • Where: This technology is viable just about everywhere. Any climate, any altitude, anywhere.
  • When: During daylight hours, preferably when sun angles are at their highest (within 2 hours of high noon) to minimizing shadowing. Wind speeds should be no more than 27 miles per hour.
  • Why: Monitoring the health of any large group of animals can prove to be difficult, for a multitude of reasons. Add to that the difficulty of locating them due to migration and grazing patterns. This innovative technology can help to take the headache out of herd health.
  • How: Whether it be a fixed wing or a multi-rotor craft, we can find the perfect UAV to meet your specific needs and budget. By fitting your livestock with customized GPS tags and equipping your customized UAV with customized cameras and sensors you will be able to track livestock or wildlife, whether they are in plain sight or hidden behind otherwise obstructive shrubbery.
  • Cost: Contact Us 775-800-3245

While these names are similar, there is room in the industry for more than one. Once you pick your site name, a similar site name will not be sold in the same geographic area without your being notified and given first right of refusal.