
  • Who: This site is for rangers or anyone charged with enforcing anti-poaching laws. There is a more effective way to pursue poachers, even in the dead of night. 
  • What: Locate offenders and stop them in their tracks before they are able to capture or kill. 
  • Where: From the Amazon to the Savannah, or wherever illegal poaching is an issue. The versatility of this technology means you can take it anywhere. 
  • When: Search for and locate offenders in real time, whether it is day or night. For optimal flights, winds should be less than 27 miles per hour.  
  • Why: Not only will the use of this technology will help to save precious time in reducing the number of animals being illegally hunted for game and wildlife trade, it is also more economical than sending out manned land vehicles.  
  • How: UAV’s can track poachers even under the cover of darkness using infrared or thermal sensors and waypoint GPS navigation. Pinpoint poacher’s exact location without having to traverse blindly through rough, expansive terrain. 

While these names are similar, there is room in the industry for more than one.  Once you pick your site name, a similar site name will not be sold in the same geographic area without your being notified and given first right of refusal. 

Cost: Contact Us 775-800-3245