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  • Who: Citizen scientists everywhere. We are in an era where the community and scientists can come together to accomplish so much more than either could on their own. And it’s not only acceptable, it’s encouraged!  
  • What: Take your hobby and utilize it for research. With the popularity of UAV’s on the rise, scientists have turned to the public to collect data for a myriad of applications.   
  • Where: Anywhere you are called to duty, possibly right in your own backyard.  
  • When: While the situations may vary, you typically want to fly outside during the day, in at least semi light, with low sun angles. Winds should be less than 20 miles per hour.   
  • Why: Data collection is important many reasons. In conservation, your aerial wildlife images could aid in population counts. Your UAV footage can be incredibly valuable to scientists for building 3-D predictive models so that we can better prepare for incoming storms.  
  • How: Whether a fixed wing or a multi-rotor copter, there’s a UAV for everyone. You’ll fly between 250 feet and 400 feet above the ground with a product at 2-cm-4-cm resolution.  

While these names are similar, there is room in the industry for more than one.  Once you pick your site name, a similar site name will not be sold in the same geographic area without your being notified and given first right of refusal.  

Cost: Contact Us 775-800-3245